Risk Assessment and Audit Planning Timeline
Data gathering and analysis
Campuses complete risk assessment model
Campuses prepare a draft plan
Campus audit committees approve draft plans
UC Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Audit Services (ECAS) consolidates draft plans
The consolidated draft plan presented to President’s Compliance and Audit Committee (PCAC) and The Regents
Campuses assess current plan status
Campuses revise draft plans
Campus audit committees approve final plans
ECAS consolidates final plans
The consolidated final plan presented to The Regents
Audit Risk Assessment Methodology
Data gathering and analysis
Interviews with management and staff
Campus risk assessments
Substantive financial analytical review
Data/trend analysis (complaints, inquiries, incidents, external reviews)
Global research (emerging issues in higher education, information technology, research, etc.)
Coordinate with compliance risk assessment process
Operational Excellence
Complete Risk Assessment Model
Universe of Processes, Functions, Units
Scoring Universe Using Predictive Factors
Audit Process
Audit Notification
Notification of intent to audit
Preliminary scheduling discussions and document requests
Establishing key client contacts
Preliminary Audit Survey
Conducting a risk assessment
Developing an audit program
Fieldwork Entrance Conference
Sharing the audit program with the client
Establishing protocols and coordination for the execution of fieldwork
Fieldwork Detailed Appraisal
Analytical reviews
Detailed testing
Status updates on findings
Ending Fieldwork
Sharing preliminary results with the client
Draft report
Obtaining management action plans
Exit meeting
Finalizing report
Client satisfaction survey
Monitoring completion of action plans
Reporting to the campus audit committee and UCOP